Community Outreach
Since 1954, Holy Trinity has faithfully followed Jesus's example, caring for and sharing with others. We invite you to take part in these and other projects that offer profound hope in our community. Membership at Holy Trinity is not required for you to participate in these important ministries.
The Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program (I-HELP) provides a safe place to sleep and a hot meal every night for adults experiencing homelessness in our community. Holy Trinity welcomes these guests to our church the first, third and fifth Thursdays and Sundays of each month to provide them with food, fellowship and lodging.
Habitat For Humanity
For over 20 years, Holy Trinity has partnered three other Lutheran churches to sponsor and build a Habitat house. Our mission in this ministry is to provide affordable housing for low-income working people. Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.
Day of Service
As an off shoot of 5th Sunday, once a year we join together in a Day of Service. After a short sending service, the congregation goes out to participate in projects in our community. We have painted, cleaned, sorted, and pulled a lot of weeds for those who can't do for themselves. After all the hard work we join together at the church for a picnic!
Food Pantry
On the first Sunday of each month Holy Trinity collects non-perishable foods to be donated to Chandler CARE Food bank. This food is then distributed to our neighbors in need of a little extra help.
I Can Help
We help senior and disabled members of our community live independently by doing chores and other light house and yard work.
Christmas in July
The last Sunday in July we celebrate Christmas, but instead of buying gifts for each other, we donate to local and global organizations.
Angel Tree
A highlight of Holy Trinity's Advent season, Angel Tree is an opportunity to share Christmas joy by giving gifts to those who need them most. We partner with Chandler CARE to provide families with food and gifts for the children.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
When a person is sick or home bound and in need of a reminder that they are wrapped in the love of God, this group makes a prayer shawl lovingly knitted and infused with the grace of prayer and gives it to the person as a sign of our care.